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Expanding Early Psychosis Resources for Spanish-Speaking Clients & Clinicians

Expanding Early Psychosis Resources for Spanish-Speaking Clients & Clinicians

Bernalyn Ruiz-Yu (PhD) & Joey Rodriguez

In this call, Bernalyn Ruiz-Yu, PhD and Joey Rodriguez will discuss the needs of Spanish-speaking clients and clinicians in early psychosis programs in Massachusetts. Findings from SALUD advisory board focus groups will be presented. 

Dr. Bernalyn Ruiz-Yu is an Attending Psychologist and Instructor at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. As a clinician, she has experience working with diverse patients of all ages with a particular interest in helping adolescents experiencing psychosis and those identified as being at risk of developing psychosis. As a researcher, she seeks to improve mental health treatment for all children experiencing psychosis and has expertise in serious mental illness in adolescents and interventions. She completed her PhD at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and her doctoral internship and T32 fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles in adolescent serious mental illness. 

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