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Well-Space: Peer Led Interventions for Young Adults with Psychosis and First Episode Care

Well-Space: Peer Led Interventions for Young Adults with Psychosis and First Episode Care

Stephen J. Fedele (1) and Michael Murphy (1,2)

1. McLean Hospital
2. Harvard Medical School


Aim: Coordinated specialty care (CSC) is a collaborative-team based approach that has been shown to be helpful for patients with first-episode psychosis. Peer support is an important component of CSC. Here, we describe the development and implementation of peer-led group programming (McLean WellSpace) that was loosely affiliated with a CSC (McLean OnTrack). We discuss how we adapted this program to the challenges imposed by COVID-19.

Methods: WellSpace was developed to have minimal barriers to entry other than a self-reported history of recent onset of psychosis. It is free for participants with minimal restrictions about who may attend. WellSpace and WellSpace groups are largely administered by peer specialists who align with the recovery movement. WellSpace has been a virtual program since March 2020.

Results: McLean WellSpace participants include many people who are not patients of McLean OnTrack, suggesting that such programs may have greater reach than standard medical programs. We transitioned to virtual programming and saw average group attendance and unique participants increase during the pandemic.

Conclusions: Our experience suggests that peer-led group programming for first-episode psychosis is well-accepted by patients, including many who are not engaged with a CSC. This may be related to our efforts to minimize barriers to entry and our peer-led, non-medical orientation.